Thursday, September 8, 2016

Introducing the Kentrosaurus & A Message to the ARK Community!

Common Name: Kentrosaurus
Species: Kentrosaurus Aethiopicus
Time: Late Jurassic
Diet: Herbivore
Temperament: Short-Tempered
While Kentrosaurus Aethiopicus is considerably smaller than its close relative, Stegosaurus Regium, it is much more formidable in matters of self defense. In fact, it is arguably the pound for pound champion of not only the Stegosauria, but when encountered in close-knit fighting packs, ranks atop the island’s herbivorous dinosaurs in general. 
Thanks to its wickedly sharp defensive spikes, any creature which attacks Kentrosaurus is likely to be reversely wounded in turn, and it is capable of piercing even the thickest of hides and armors when it goes on the offensive. I have personally witnessed the Kentrosaurus fell much larger predators in a single such “impaling” maneuver!
Underestimating Kentrosaurus can be a fatal mistake, particularly when it is in a herd. When travelling in numbers, Kentrosaurus seems to grow much more aggressive, increasing the range at which it will defend its territory. 
Survivors have seen little success in their attempts to ride Kentrosaurus, owing to its spikes and hot-headed temperament. However, a tamed herd of Kentrosaurus can defend a compound as well as take on any larger carnivore. One swing of its deadly tail can save a survivors life, or even turn the tide of a pitched battle!
A Message to the ARK Community
Firstly, an emphatic "thank you" to the ARK community for the love they have shown towards this game. Your creations, your feedback, and your support have meant the world to us. THANK YOU!
We'd also like to provide our official take on the Scorched Earth Expansion Pack, and the future of ARK. Put simply: we are absolutely committed to driving aggressive development towards a solid, feature-robust game launch for ARK: Survival Evolved. Everyone at Wildcard wakes up every day thinking about how we can make ARK into a better game today than it was the day before. It’s not always easy, but our intent is ever-forward progress towards a retail release that will  be far more ambitious in scope and features than our original vision when we launched ARK into Steam Early Access in June 2015. Your feedback enables us to continually expand the game to become better than ever!
Scorched Earth: Our original vision for ARK always included the creation of Expansion ARKs, along with the infrastructure and technical systems to transfer data dynamically between live ARKs. We determined that it is more sound to iterate on these systems during Early Access than after retail launch, given the significant risks involved if we didn't "get it right". While that meant unveiling the first Expansion early, it also means an easier time integrating further post-launch Expansions into the ARK network. We understand that this isn't everyone's cup of tea, and we appreciate the enjoyment people seem to be getting out of this initial view of how Expansion ARKs can work. Now that we have the systems in place to support them, we can ensure minimal integration issues with subsequent releases after ARK: Survival Evolved itself has launched. 
Thank you so much to everyone who has been surviving on Scorched Earth, and we hope that the new features and content that it brings into the ARK universe will enrich all players' experiences whatever map or mode you're playing on -- and in the weeks ahead we're looking forward to seeing what modders can make with the Scorched Earth content, and the powerful new Blueprint systems coming with them.
Regarding our upcoming plans for ARK: Survival Evolved, here's a brief outline of what's ahead:
- ARK v247 launches later this week, and among other things will include the fan-favorite creatures Tapejara and Archaeopteryx!
- Breeding Phase 3 and the Boss Ascension Cycle are being wrapped up for release, and will soon make their debut along with the first Tek Tier items (Power Armor).
- ARK Backstory!! You're going to get your first dose of ARK’s mythology with the Explorer Note system -- will you find them all and begin piecing together the mysteries of the ARK?
- The first pass of the "Procedurally Generated ARKs" system should be coming to PC next month, and Xbox soon afterwards. Unlimited ARK varieties?! You bet!
- As Scorched Earth dramatically expands ARK's Blueprint modding capabilities,we will be launching a new Mod Contest with the release of the Dev Kit that incorporates the Scorched Earth content.
There is a lot more content beyond that as we head into the home-stretch of preparing the game for 1.0 release, but these are some of the things that we're particularly excited to get out to you! We're not nearly at the end of the journey yet, and ARK has much to come in order to fulfill its destiny as the ultimate Dinosaur survival experience of our collective dreams. But with your help, we are going to get there together, and every day will be ever more amazing on the ARK!

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